Multimedia spectacle, edge of experience
Concise sections of the most diverse life situations in the simulation of hectic everyday life overstressed by media images, the city rush, sexual frustrations... Tempo, screaming colors, tone: everything is there to overwhelm us. A real sensory - associative amusement park with a calm and measured cathartic nightmare of civilization. Sistine Chapel XXI century.
The altar of the modern God-Idol of the media, the God of the silicon chip and Big Brother control through the media. Losing individual identity in the sea of global informational bombardment.The project is called 24 because everyday life is simulated, i.e. ordinary and unusual events in the course of 24 hours.The project consists of 6 interlaced mega video projections, a series of photographs (Mezak) 80x60 cm and one large print 400x300 cm "Black and white clone" and an oil painting on canvas (Friščić) over which video projections are placed so that everything is in semi-darkness.
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Installation 24h, PM, HDLU, 2007.